Pick me Choose me Love me

Dr. Meredith Grey: "Okay, here it is. Your choice, it's simple, her or me. And I'm sure she's really great. But Derek, I love you. In a really, big really big pretend to like your taste in music, let you eat the last piece of cheesecake, hold a radio over my head outside your bedroom window, unfortunate way that makes me hate you... love you. So pick me. Choose me. Love me. I'll be at Joe's tonight so if you do decide to sign the papers, meet me there."  ---  <Grey's Anatomy> 02x05 - Bring the Pain


"愛情完全不能控制選擇,這不是我急不急的問題,愛情像瘟疫,來了就是來了。"  ---  《玫瑰的故事》 亦舒