The Good Wife S3 Season Premiere

New season. A new beginning of <The Good Wife>.

New Alicia... New Lockhart/Gardner... New State's Attorney office... New relationships...

剛看到這一幕,我還以為bad timing始終是bad timing,他們談last night的exceptional moment談得不歡而散......

結果...... 原來Alicia終於跟Will在一起了!

Alicia的complicated status、inner-office romance... 種種原因令Will在人前being "hard" on Alicia......

Alicia: "Are we overdoing it?"
Will: "Diane thinks I'm going too hard on you. Am I? Going too hard? … All those late nights..."
Alicia: "No time off..."
Will: "Buried in work..."
Alicia: "Up to my knees."
Through the wall, they hear the neighbor’s kids. Will suggests going to the bedroom and Alicia stops him.
Alicia: "No, don’t move. Don’t move.”
Will sticks his finger in Alicia's mouth and she bites down.

Wow... The sex up against a wall between Will and Alicia was so hot!! That was steamy!!

The best sex scene on TV ever!!


名探偵コナン - 小蘭等了新一15年的表白

和小蘭一起等了15年,新一終於在<名偵探柯南>漫畫File621/動畫#324表白了...... wow...

表白那一刻,我哭了...... 小蘭從不知道,新一一直在她身邊...... 一直都在......