Grey's Anatomy Season 8

Seriously? Seriously.

Callie Torres: "Life changes in Instant, turns on a dime." 生命是非常脆弱的。SGH真真正正是Seattle Grace Mercy West Death Hospital,炸彈、槍擊、車禍、墜機...... 差不多每季也有災難。

Lexie死了。有photographic memory的Lexipedia死了。一邊脫衣服、一邊對Mark說"Teach me..."的little Grey死了。經歷了那麼多,她終於向Mark表白她是那麼的愛他。他還沒有表態,她卻被壓在飛機殘骸下...... 她臨終前終於被Mark握著手流著淚聽他說"I love you. I've always been in love with you. I will always be in love with you...... We're meant to be.",含笑而逝。
Mark: "You think you broke me, little Grey? You're the one who put me back together." Mark在Lexie死後絶望的說"Lexie is waiting for me.",我聽著跟失去soulmate他一樣心都碎了。
Meredith和丈夫Derek決定了離開Seattle,接受Brigham和Harvard的offer,與女兒Zola一起搬去Boston...... 卻雙雙遇到墜機...... 更失去了親愛的妹妹......
Arizona與妻子Callie和Mark co-parenting女兒Sofia的戲份非常平淡,可有可無...... 可是,墜機後她們會成為失去所愛的Mark的支柱吧?!
Christina放棄做媽媽的機會,面對丈夫的出軌,與Owen之間的矛盾...... 她決定離開SGH去Mayo......  患過PTSD的她卻又遇上墜機,這會令她留下嗎?


Owen能挽回與Christina的婚姻嗎?他的best friend要離開了,不要讓love of his life離開啊!孩子是兩個人愛的結晶,希望他們能找到共識。
Teddy為了正在低潮中的best friend Owen而放棄成為Chief of MEDCOM,結果Owen fired她讓她接受offer,離開充滿著死去丈夫Henry回憶的SGH。
Bailey和Ben engaged了,下一季會結婚嗎?Long distance marriage能survive嗎?
Richard是SGH永遠的Chief of Surgery...... 本應終能與妻子Adele好好相守,她的Alzheimer's病情卻惡化得連丈夫也不認得,還和別的病人發生關係...... 他和Catherine的flirting和one-night-stand令我也恨不起來......

合約問題令這季的finale留下許多問號...... 在森林中等待救援的他們會survive嗎?墜機的創傷會有後遺症嗎?他們會離開SGH還是留下?Lexie的死會帶來甚麼影響?
下一季將會加入新recurring roles,我卻只希望Shonda能focus在main cast上。

Life changes in an instant

Dr. Callie Torres: "Life changes in an instant, turns on a dime."  ---  <Grey's Anatomy> 08x24 - Flight

R.I.P. Lexie Grey!!!

Lexie: "Mark... I'm... I'm dying."
Mark: "What? No, you're not."
Lexie: "I am. Please... tell... tell Meredith that I love her. And that she's a good sister. Mm. Please t-tell my dad..."
Mark: "You're not dying. You're gonna be fine."
Lexie: "Hold my hand."
Mark: "I'm not holding your hand because you're not dying."
Lexie: "Hold my hand."
Mark: "No. You're not dying. Do you hear me? You don't die today."

Mark: "I love you."
Lexie: "You don't have to say it just because..."
Mark: "I do. I love you. I love you. I've always been in love with you. I will always be in love with you."
Lexie: "Yeah?"
Mark: "Yeah. Which is why you have to stay alive. We... we... we're gonna get married. And you're gonna make an amazing surgeon. We're gonna have two or three kids."
Lexie: "So, Sofia can have siblings."
Mark: " Yeah. A sister and two brothers."
Lexie: "That's nice."
Mark : "We're gonna be happy, Lex. You and me. We're gonna have the best life, Lexie, you and me. We're gonna be so happy. So you can't die, okay? You can't die because we're supposed to end up together. We're meant to be."
Lexie: "Meant to be."
Mark : "I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you."

由Lexie對著Mark一邊脫衣服,一邊對他說"Teach me..."開始,Lexie便成為我最愛的GA角色之一。

自從MerDer終於「修成正果」,每個episode我都望穿秋水的熱切期待著Slexie在一起...... They are meant to be.

Little Grey, we will always miss you. You had an amazing photographic memory. You already were a fantastic surgeon. You were also an incredible sister and aunt. Most importantly, you loved. Mark knew it, and we have always known it. SG-MW just won’t be the same without you! RIP Lexie.

Grey's Anatomy S8 Season Finale

Shonda Rhimes, don't kill Lexie!!!

Please don't die, Lexie!!


Lexie, don't die!!! Lexie!!!

OMG!!! Lexie! Mere! Derek!

Grey's Anatomy - Slexie

Lexie made me cry!! My tears lose control!!

Lexie Grey: "I love you. Oh God-Oh my God. That just came fly-flying out of my face like it was s-s-some kind of... I-I-I love you. I just... God. Did it again. I... I-I-I-I love you. I-I do. I just... I-I love you. And I have been trying not to say it. I have been trying so hard to just mash it down and ignore it and not say it. And Jackson is a great guy. He-he is. He-he's gorgeous and-and he's younger than you, and he doesn't have any grandkids or-or babies with his lesbian BFFs and he's an Avery and-and he liked me, you know? He-he really liked me. But it was never gonna work out because I-I love you. I am so in love with you. And you're-you're-you're in me. It's you-you're like it's-it's like you're a disease. It's like I am infected by Mark Sloan. And I just can't... I can't think about anything or anybody. And I can't sleep. I can't breathe. I can't eat. And I love you. I just love you all the time. It's every minute of every day. And I-I-I-I-I love you. God. That feels good just to-to say that... to j... I'm... I feel so much better. Just... I love you. Mark?"

My heart kept on screaming "Go Girl!! Go Lexie!!".

Shonda Rhimes, please put Mark & Lexie back together. They belong to each other. This has been killing me for years.