


若終有離別,我們各安天涯,年年月月,願你安好。"  ---  《請你至少愛一個像男人的男人》 張小嫻


"不要活給那些不相干的人看,你只要活給自己看,活給你愛和愛你的人看。"  ---  張小嫻

Tell Harvey how you feel

Mike Ross: "Just wanted to talk to you about something."
Donna Paulsen: "What is it?"
Mike Ross: "Donna, Rachel told me that when I moved out because of Logan Sanders, you told her to give me some space because things work out the way that they're supposed to."
Donna Paulsen: "But she didn't do that."
Mike Ross: "Well, that's my point."
Donna Paulsen: "Mike, where are you going with this?"
Mike Ross: "Tell Harvey how you feel."
Donna Paulsen: "What?"
Mike Ross: "I know that it's not my place to say this, but, Donna, I wouldn't be with Rachel if it wasn't for you, and if I let you lose something that might make you as happy as we are and I didn't say something, I would never forgive myself. So if you think there is even the smallest chance that you might ever want to be together and you don't tell him that soon, you might lose the chance to tell him at all."
Donna Paulsen: "Mike… I appreciate where your heart is, but two people have to want to be together to be happy, and Harvey and I don’t want to be together."
Mike Ross: "Are you sure?"

Donna Paulsen: "I'm sure."  ---  <Suits> 07x10 - Donna

Donna Paulsen: "Louis, what is it?"
Louis Litt: "Ever since I left that hotel room, I've been stuck. We were together again, and it felt just like it did before, except it wasn’t because she wasn't mine, and since then, I've been counting the days until my soul mate marries someone else and walks out of my life forever."
Donna Paulsen: "Louis--"
Louis Litt: "I know she's with another man, Donna, and I know she says that she loves him, but all I want to do is just say to her, can't she see the man she was meant to be with is standing right in front of her face?"
Donna Paulsen: "I'm so sorry."
Louis Litt: "I should have told her when I had the chance, but that's something I'm gonna have to live with for the rest of my life."
Harvey Specter: "Good, you're still here. Where's Louis? 'Cause I have some news, and I think you should both--"
Donna Paulsen: "I'm sorry, Harvey. I just had to know."  ---  <Suits> 07x10 - Donna


"青春太匆匆,沒有時間耗在一個不愛你的人身上。單思若是美好,只是你自個兒的美好,也只是你自個兒的甜蜜與蒼涼。四顧無人,為什麼要留下呢?你是在留戀自己的留戀嗎?"  ---  張小嫻

Change is good

Dr. Meredith Grey: "Corey, hold the time you two spent together close to your heart. But don't let it hold you back. No more sitting here and waiting. Grab your new life by the hand and go out there and live it. Change is good."  ---  <Grey's Anatomy> 13x22 - Leave It Inside


"此生遇到的每一個人,不都是緣份嗎?有些深,有些淺,有些甜蜜,有些苦澀,有些只是擦肩而過,最後有一個牽手的。不管遇到的是哪一種緣份,珍惜就好;當你珍惜,而它終歸消逝,你就接受吧。"  ---  張小嫻


"我從沒打算將就,然後,我遇到你。原來,真的不需要將就。"  ---  張小嫻


"喜歡只是一種最初始的感覺。喜歡,是你很想親近他,很想瞭解他,很想知道他是不是單身。所有的喜歡,最後只有一小部分能夠成為愛情。不管能否開花結果,喜歡一個人的感覺都是愉快的。你會毫無預兆地喜歡一個人,或毫無理由地不喜歡一個人,但你會一輩子懷念喜歡了某個人的那個瞬間。"  ---  《永不永不說再見》 張小嫻

Start over

“Sometimes the hardest part isn't letting go but rather learning to start over.”  ---  Nicole Sobon

Death of an Illusion

“Nothing is more sad than the death of an illusion.”  ---  Arthur Koestler